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Do you or your child struggle to run ??? It can be fixed !!!

STNR, Babinski Reflex and Running ….

Working on a 11 year old currently with both of these reflexes being retained and not integrated into the body, the child is a avid sports person playing both team and individual sport, and always felt that they just couldn't run.

Most notable was the rounded shoulders and the shuffling when walking and running in day to day life and in sports. So while in general fitness levels were good the child struggled to run. The child also walked early approx. 11 months so therefore didnt integrate these reflexes.

The child's school report mentions staying on task in school and easily distracted which was another interesting outlook from someone in their day to day lives.

Having discovered the child had both of these retained reflexes, I provided the child and parents with a 6 week exercise that takes about 5 minutes daily to allow the reflex to integrate - even after 10 days the child noted a visual improvement in their running as part of their training and parents had noted less shuffling when walking and running.

If you have problems running or your child struggles with their running please get in touch.

STNR (Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex) assists the child in getting up on his hands and knees and eventually crawling using a cross lateral movement pattern.

Babinski is important to prepare the infants feet for crawling, standing balance and mature walking. This reflex influences the legs, hips and lumbar spine. It is important for co-ordinating muscle tone of the lower part of the body, especially the back of the legs and has a direct influence on developing stability, balance and grounding.

Symptoms of a Retained STNR

· Poor hand eye co-ordination

· Ape like walking pattern – rolled shoulders and forward lean

· Slumping at desk

· Copying from classroom board can be stressful tendency to be long sighted

· Problems crawling

· When reading or writing often supports head

· Attention and focus difficulty – fidgeting or squirming – hard to stay on task

· Poor co-ordination between upper and lower body casing problems with swimming

Symptoms of a retained Babinski reflex

· Problems with balance and stability

· Tendency toward being flat footed or walking on the outsides of the feet

· Loose ankles that easily sprain

· Tension in legs, ankles, hips or feet, can develop toe walking

· Awkward walking, challenges running

· Hip joint issues

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