A truly holistic therapy!
Helps you identify why you feel, how you feel…
If you’ve tried everything but never heard of Systematic Kinesiology till now, then you’re in the right place.
Systematic Kinesiology uses muscle testing as a tool to identify the source of what could be causing your health issue(s) as well as offering gentle and effective treatment for common problems.
I work with all ages from little babies to retired, both male and female, muscle testing using surrogacy if too young or immobile
What can Kinesiology do?
It can help with more than 80% of all the health problems that most people put up with either because it isn’t bad enough to go to the doctor, or they have sought help but received no relief.
Almost everyone you know suffers from one other of this extensive list of conditions. None of them in themselves necessarily life threatening. They just make life a misery…
Apparently 50% of all the people in this country suffer from back ache at one time or another. Almost everyone gets colds or the flu too often for comfort.
Kinesiology can help you balance your body’s systems, and enjoy a level of health and wellbeing you may not have experienced since you were a child.